202 Burnt Ridge Road, Red Deer, AB, T4S 0K6 | (403) 347-1711
Employment Opportunities
We are always glad to accept resumes from enthusiastic, hard working, dependable, team oriented people who wish to join our team of veterinary health care professionals.
Positions for which we have openings include:
VETERINARIANSA full time Veterinarian is required at Alberta Veterinary Center in Red Deer, Alberta. The qualified candidate would attend primarily to companion animal cases, with some equine and bovine. Our 12,000 square foot facility attends to a diverse case load including equine surgical cases and advanced reproductive techniques such as equine embryo transfer and ICSI. New graduates are encouraged to apply with case loads being assigned according to experience. An Attractive compensation package including medical benefits and CE is available.
ICSI TechnologistThe successful candidate will be available April - September and be willing to work overtime and weekends. Duties will include performing reproductive ultrasounds of breeding mares, performing artificial insemination techniques for both fresh and frozen semen. Handling and preparing immature oocytes after aspiration and performing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) will be an essential part of this position. Requirements: At least 5 years experience performing reproductive ultrasound and artificial insemination of mares. At least 2 years experience performing ICSI and handling both mature and immature oocytes.
To apply contact Dr. Rick Katchuik at abvet@telus.net or 403-347-1711 |